Join Us For College Gatherings

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Join us for our weekly


Each Sunday evening we gather to enjoy fellowship, sit under the Word as it is taught, worship God through music, and discuss the teaching in small groups. We view this time as a means of grace by which we grow in our spiritual maturity together, as we listen to God’s Word, commune with him through prayer, seek to glorify him with our lives, and build each other up as brothers and sisters. 

When does the group meet? 

Every Sunday evening from 5:00 to 7:30 pm.

Where does the group meet? 

At Fremont, in the College Ministry Room (which is located on the 1st floor of the Community Life Center, across from the church coffee bar). 

What should I bring? 

We encourage everyone to bring a Bible, notebook, and pen if you have them; if you do not have them and wish to have one, don’t hesitate to ask someone when you get there! We have plenty to share!  

How can I get connected and/or stay updated? 

If you’d like to get connected with one of the college ministry leaders, please email one of us! Whether it’s introducing ourselves at church, over email, or over a cup of coffee, we would love to say hi and get to know you! The two on-staff leaders are David Pack and Katie Haven. Dave is the Associate Pastor of Discipleship at Fremont and Katie is the College Ministry Associate. God has given both of us a heart for Christ-centered ministry to college students, God’s Word, the local church, and unreached people groups among the nations, among many other things. We have set out to “toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me,” “that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Col. 1:29, 28). That being said, we hope to be a blessing in the lives of college students, and would love to get connected if you are interested. Email one of us or call the front office to get connected! (David Pack,; Katie Haven, 

The main way events and other important announcements are communicated is through our GroupMe. If you’d like to join, please email David Pack ( or Katie Haven (