Nursery & Childcare

Nursery and childcare are provided on Wednesday evenings from 6:30—7:30 pm for children birth—pre kindergarten, for those children whose parents are attending a life Group.


Music Programs

For more information about the many music classes, programs & summer camp available for children of all ages at FPC, please check out our Music and Arts.



Music Camp 2020

With the change in music leadership at Fremont, the traditional Summer Music Camp will be undergoing remodeling throughout the next year.  While the Camp has been a highlight event over the past 20 years, unique experience and expertise is required to lead the effort and Fremont will be evaluating how the Camp can be most successfully accomplished in the future. We urge children to take advantage of Summer Blitz (July 6-10, 2020) and other ministry programs for guaranteed fun, encouragement and growth.